Rooting the Sunbeam F1
I am not an android guy. Before this I knew nothing about rooting android phones and I learned a lot along the way. I plan on putting out another blog post about the process to rooting a formerly undocumented phone, including all of the massive timewastes such as getting stuck without the adb popup and being forced to write my adb keys to the system image to allow adb. Watch out for it if you’re interested.
Steps assuming debian linux
Unlock Bootloader and write adb keys to phone
- Grab and install MTKClient
- Run MTKClient
- While holding Vol Down + Vol Up, plug the usb into your phone from computer
- Use MTKClient to unlock bootloader
Secret commands to turn on dev mode + adb
- To open secret code menu dial
- To turn on dev mode type the following into the popup and press ok:
- Reopen secret code menu by dialing
- To turn on adb type the following into the popup and press ok:
- Plug in usb
- Be sure to click accept on the adb system popup
- Run
adb shell
to get an adb shell on the phone
Finishing up
From here you can install magisk and use it to get a root shell like normal. Have fun :)